Notice of Public Rights

Notice of public rights and publication of unaudited annual governance & accountability return    

Town Council budget and precept for 2019/20

11th January 2019 Slight increase agreed for Exmouth’s 2019/20 precept At a Full Council meeting of Exmouth Town Council, held on January 7th 2019, members unanimously approved the Town Council’s budget for 2019/20 and an associated precept demand of £772,637. Every year, the Town Council draws up its budgets and calculates how much money it needs for the next Financial … Read More

Privacy Notice

When you contact us The information you provide (personal information such as name, address, email address, phone number, organisation) will be processed and stored to enable us to contact you and respond to your correspondence, provide information and/or access our facilities and services. Your personal information will be not shared or provided to any other third party. The Councils Right … Read More