Report praises Exmouth Town Council’s efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions

An independent report commissioned by Exmouth Town Council to quantify its greenhouse gas emissions has praised the work of the Council in establishing policies and providing education aimed at reducing the greenhouse gas emissions of its residents and visitors. Woods and Turvey were commissioned to conduct a survey of greenhouse gas emissions that are within the Council’s scope of influence. … Read More

Solar project for Exmouth Town Council

New roof mounted solar system now powering Gorfin Hall. Exmouth Town Council is pleased to announce that Gorfin Hall, its well-used community hall in Claremont Lane, is now being powered by solar electricity, thanks to a new roof mounted solar system. Councillor Frank Cullis, Chairman of the Gorfin Hall Management Committee, said: “The Hall has a large south-facing roof and … Read More

Press Release – New Round of Grant Aid Available to Local Organisations

Exmouth Town Council Grants – New Round of Grant Aid Available to Local Organisations 2020-21 Grant Applications are now OPEN. Exmouth Town Council operates a grant funding scheme to local community groups and organisations which are delivering projects and initiatives of direct benefit to the residents of Exmouth. There is £10,000 available annually and grants of up to £1,500 are … Read More

Annual Town Meeting – Postponed

Due to uncertainty around the impact of COVID-19 and our focus on the wellbeing of our residents, we have made the difficult decision to postpone our Annual Town Meeting which was due to take place at the Telfer Centre on the evening of Monday 23rd March. Legislation states that the meeting must be held between 1st March and 1st June … Read More

Press Release – Coronavirus (COVID-19)

Exmouth Town Council is continuing to monitor the situation and its actions in light of the Covid-19 outbreak and is calling on the community to be even more aware of each other during this uncertain time. Town Councillors and staff are very concerned to hear that Roger Bourgein, the Town Crier, has tested positive for the virus and is receiving … Read More

Press Release: Exmouth Festival 2020

It is with heavy hearts that Exmouth Town Council must announce that our 2020 Festival which was due to take place from 22-25 May, will be cancelled. The decision has not been taken lightly but has been made in accordance with Government guidelines in relation to the current outbreak of Coronavirus/ COVID-19 in the UK and the need to avoid … Read More

Coronavirus (COVID-19) Advice

We understand that our residents and visitors may have concerns about Coronavirus (COVID-19) and we are monitoring the situation. Please note, Exmouth Town Hall, including our office, is closed to the public until further notice.  If you require assistance on matters within our remit or need to speak with a member of Exmouth Town Council staff please call 01395 276167. … Read More

Precept agreed for 2020/21

Exmouth Council is beginning 2020 with good news for taxpayers At the council’s annual budget meeting on Monday, January 20th, Exmouth Town councillors voted to approve the budget and a precept for 2020/21. A precept of £771,394 for the next financial year has been agreed, which represents a slight decrease compared to last year. Based on the current Council ‘tax … Read More

Councillor Surgeries Launched

Do you live in Exmouth’s Town Ward? Here’s a new opportunity to raise concerns with your Town Councillors Exmouth’s Town Ward Councillors will be introducing a new constituent surgery system, similar to those operated by many MPs, where any concerns within the ward may be raised. The first surgery will be held on Saturday February 1st, at Exmouth Town Football … Read More