If you wish to speak during the public speaking session at the start of the meeting, you will need to register separately and in advance. To register you must email or telephone 01395 276167 by 12 noon.

The number of people that can speak on each application is limited to:
Major applications – parish/town council representative, 5 supporters, 5 objectors and the applicant or agent
Minor/Other applications – parish/town council representative, 2 supporters, 2 objectors and the applicant or agent.

This will operate on a “first come first served basis”.

However the Chairman, at their absolute discretion, may ask for members of the public wishing to make similar points to choose one speaker to represent them all. This is to enable the business of the meeting to be carried out in a timely way and allow representations on other applications to be heard.

Planning Meeting Procedure:
  • Representations will be taken ahead of each discussion by Councillors on each application.
  • Registered speakers will be invited to come forward.
  • Speakers will be taken in the following order, objectors, supporters, applicant or agent.
  • Speaking time is strictly limited to 3 minutes.
  • Speakers must begin, within their representation, by stating their name and interest in the application, and whether they are supporting or objecting to the application.
  • Importantly speakers should restrict their comments to planning considerations only.
You can comment on for example We cannot normally take into account
Impact on your property

Design and Materials

Vehicular access and parking     problems

Effect on trees



Loss of value to your property

Loss of view

Boundary and neighbour disputes

Impact on private drainage systems

  • Please do not repeat or present the same point an earlier speaker has made. If you do so, the Chairman may stop you and we will move on to the next speaker in order to make best use of the meeting time.
  • The Committee may choose to ask the speaker a question about what has been said, if clarity is required. After this, speakers should return to their seat and take no further part in the debate.
  • The Committee will then debate the item.
  • Members of the public are asked to please note that interruptions from the public and/or demonstrations of support, such as cheering and clapping will not be tolerated and unfortunately if this happens, in order for the business of the committee to be carried out effectively, the Chairman will have to exclude people from the public gallery.