Exmouth Town Council acts as a consultee for planning and license applications made within the town wards. Our planning committee meet fortnightly to discuss planning and licensing applications, and the public and press are welcome to attend. Meetings are held in the Chamber at Exmouth Town Hall, St Andrews Road, Exmouth, EX8 1AW, access is through the side entrance of the building. Agendas will be posted in advance on the website and a public notice displayed on a notice board outside the Town Hall, St Andrews Road, EX8 1AW. This gives prior details of each meeting of the Council.

Planning Committee Members

Andrew Colman
Cherry Nicholas

Tim Dumper
Andrew Toye

Graham Deasy
David Poor
Michael Rosser

Joe Whibley (Chair)

Andrew Woodward

Have a Question about Planning?

The governing body for planning and licensing is East Devon District Council. Any questions concerning planning should be directed to East Devon District Council using the following links.

Upcoming Planning Committee Meetings

View upcoming Planning Meetings and other Council Meetings.

 Having Your Say

Guidance on public speaking at a planning Committee meeting.

Agendas & Minutes

View upcoming agendas and minutes from previous meeting. Please note, minutes from previous meetings are not published until approved by the Committee at the following meeting.

Terms of Reference

Planning Committee Terms of Reference