In 2019 Exmouth Town Council declared a climate emergency. With a dedicated Climate and Ecological Emergency Working Party (CEE WP) and a Climate Officer Zoey Cooper in place, Exmouth Town Council is committed to making Exmouth cleaner, greener and healthier.

We want residents and visitors to thrive in a zero carbon town that is already Fair Trade and Plastic Free. We will use our resources to help build local knowledge and resilience to the climate and ecological emergency. And we will use our influence to ensure high quality, low-impact development to protect and enhance the internationally important and beautiful local environment.

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Climate Action Plan

The Climate Action Plan sets out key areas of influence and focus with a ten-point plan. It’s a working document that will flex and change as the climate crisis worsens.

The Exmouth Reusable Cup

A joint project with Sideshore, to eliminate single-use cups, the Exmouth Cup is gifted to cafes in Exmouth to loan to their customers. Borrow from one cafe, return to another!

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Samudra The Sea Serpent

In July, with Sideshore, we unveiled “Samudra” to encourage plastic recycling. Made from recycled materials, Samudra was co-designed with Exmouth primary schools.

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Diet Change Stops Climate Change

In December 2023 Exmouth Town Council endorsed a version of the Plant Based Treaty relevant to Exmouth.

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Magpies – A Thrifty Festival

With Sideshore Community, we’re celebrating rethinking, repairing, reusing and recycling – a ‘new’ kind of new!


Rainwater Harvesting

We are committed to installing water butts in the town to save water and allow our communal spaces to thrive.


Your Carbon Footprint

1. Measure it 2. Take steps to reduce it. 3. Consider: Waste, Food, Transport, Energy and the Natural Environment.


Newsletter: Read & Sign Up

Stay up-to-date with climate action in Exmouth. Read our latest information on proposed, active and completed projects.


Training & Information

Learn more about climate change and biodiversity loss whether you’re an individual, group or business.